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Library Renovation Minutes 02/03/10

FEBRUARY 3, 2010

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 AM by Chairperson Diane Hornaday in the Avon Room Town Hall Building 1. Members present: Chairperson Diane Hornaday, Barbara Leonard, Diane Carney, Janet Stokesbury, Secretary David Goldsholl, J. Tad Kuziak and Scott Boos. Members absent: none.  Also in attendance were staff member and Assistant Town Manager Blythe Robinson, Library Director Virginia Vocelli, Assistant Library Director Donna Miller and Architect Peter Wells.

Mr. Goldsholl motioned, Ms. Carney seconded and all agreed to accept the January 20, 2010 minutes as presented. None opposed. Mr. Kuziak abstained as he was absent from the previous meeting.



V. REVIEW - SCHEMATIC DESIGN - a. Building Square Footage Changes, b. Finish Schedule
Mr. Wells explained that he periodically does checks on the design to look for square foot overages and found in the Library's case that it has crept up some. He was able to achieve a reduction of 1600sf. of space (over two floors) without sacrificing overall design and layout. The reduction can be made in anticipation of offsetting a higher cost estimate if need be. This will allow some wiggle room in the budget with this scenario. Square footage was taken out of book stacks, children's storytime room and a bump-out removed on the west side of the building. He reminded the members that the roof had to be considered when making changes and therefore looked at it three dimensionally. The new design would still accommodate the 40,000 sf. needed to meet the State Library Standard for Avon. Ms. Vocelli felt comfortable that this design would keep in alliance with the twenty year projection for town population growth and library use. The members agreed with Mr. Well's changes. Ms. Hornaday was concerned that costs were growing with the project and is pleased to see the changes. Mr. Wells will discuss the finishes at the next meeting.

Mr. Kuziak expressed his concerns with the potential of not getting the grant money for the project and that perhaps Peter's design was in anticipation of that. Mr. Wells answered that there was more room in the estimate to address it, and that trimming the building down is not the way to get a $1.0 million reduction if the State grant funds are not approved. Ms. Hornaday thanked Mr. Wells for his presentation.

Committee members discussed their choices of firms to interview for a construction manager from 19 returned proposals. Interviews will take place Tuesday, February 9th. Members ranked firms based on presentation of proposals, experience with library construction, location in relation to Avon, experience with renovations and additions, number of lawsuits, past experience with Avon projects, longevity of the core managing team, and architect and town resident experience. Mr. Boos preferred a firm that had a consistent core group and cautioned against high staff turnover and firms that put an emphasis on too much paperwork. Ms. Carney preferred library construction experience and a firm that is more local. Mr. Wells told of his experiences good and bad with several of the firms. Ms. Stokesbury spoke of the gym floor problem at Thompson Brook School that never seemed to be solved with a firm listed. Mr. Goldsholl felt also that all firms would sooner or later have lawsuits or a bad job. Mr. Boos added that all jobs are going to have issues. He also said that libraries were really not that much more complicated than other construction projects and to keep that in mind. Mr. Kuziak considered the proposal presentation in selecting his list and their ability to answer the RFP. He felt it more important to select their ability to run a project over having LEED or geothermal experience, for example, because the subs, architects and other subject matter experts can help. Ms. Hornaday cautioned that resident sentiment or past experience were also important to keep in mind. Ms. Carney reminded the members that it would be the town residents paying for the project.

The five firms the members agreed to interview are as follows:

                        1. Enterprise Builders
                        2. FIP Construction
                        3. Cutter Enterprises
                        4. Enfield Builders
                        5. Downes Construction

The interviews are to be held Tuesday, February 9th, at the Avon Library beginning at 9:00 AM. Ms. Hornaday asked that everyone get there a little early to prepare. Ms. Robinson will e-mail the schedule.

The members then discussed possible interview questions. Mr. Boos previously e-mailed the members some questions he'd like to include in addition to the sample ones suggested by Ms. Robinson. Mr. Wells cautioned to ask questions that get meaningful answers. He felt it important to include the question about LEED certification experience because contractors often add between 3-4% to their cost for this. Mr. Kuziak suggested keeping the question regarding library experience. Mr. Boos felt it important that the firm be asked how it handles it contingency funds and leftovers. Ms. Robinson's question asked how the firm could guarantee a maximum price that would not exceed the Town's budgeted amount of $7.5 million. Mr. Boos said it tells a lot about a construction manager by how many bid packages (trades) he'd manage; the more, the more the construction manager is involved in the project. Ms. Hornaday added that she preferred stand alone questions rather that bunching several together. Mr. Goldsholl wanted to make sure the members and the construction manager are clear about contingency, be it theirs or the Town's, to best manage the project's budget to avoid overruns. Mr. Kuziak would like to include the question as how the firm handles key personnel absences. Ms. Robinson cautioned against having too many questions because of time constraints. Mr. Boos especially would include whether or not their price was negotiable. Mr. Wells asked that security be included in the specs as the project is positioned close to neighboring schools. Ms. Robinson will take the suggested changes and e-mail the members for feedback in time for the interviews on Tuesday.

Ms. Robinson told of the Selection Committee's (Virginia Vocelli, James DiPace, Bruce Williams, Barbara Leonard, James Sansone, Steve Kushner, and Peter Wells) and the Building Committee's recent tour of the potential temporary site for the Library during construction. She also passed out a copy of the letter sent to Mr. Donohue, Jr., Esq., representing the property, detailing follow up questions to determine suitability of the site. Questions included accessibility to the Library from potential second floor tenants, renovations needed to accommodate the Library, who pays for these, or do we have to return it to the current condition when we vacate. Ms. Robinson urged the committee members to carefully look at her concerns to make informed decisions and if not suitable, possibly return to the market to select another site. The site offers 10,000 sf. for the Library and 4,000 sf. for storage. The cost would be $10/sf. with additional utility costs of approximately $1,000/month, which is still under the budgeted amounts for these items. Ms. Stokesbury liked the parking area and location. Mr. Kuziak was pleased with the site being under budget. Ms. Hornaday said the cost factor was good and that Town Planner Steve Kushner said it met the basic criteria of what we need. Ms. Robinson added that the lower cost adds flexibility for other items in the budget.

Ms. Robinson presented a Tuthill and Wells invoice for $17,158.00 which covers the schematic design phase 100%.

Mr. Goldsholl motioned, Mr. Kuziak seconded and all agreed to recommend for payment the Tuthill and Wells Architects, LLC Invoice #3887 for $17,158.00. None opposed.

Mr. Boos questioned whether the referendum budgeted amount for our contingency ($50,000) would be adequate. Ms. Robinson said the $7,456,000 amount covered the construction contingency. The $50,000 is a separate general contingency for other issues that might arise during the project. Mr. Goldsholl suggested reviewing the budget in our next meeting to explain some of these items.

Ms. Robinson included a letter that will be presented to the Town Council at their meeting February 4th outlining the Library expansion project to date. She said Library Board member Mary Suter will be at the meeting as well presenting the fundraising efforts to date. Mr. Bernard Zahren may also attend to present clean energy concepts.

Mr. Goldsholl motioned, Mr. Kuziak seconded and all agreed to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 AM. None opposed.

Recorded by:                                                    ________________________
                                                                Susan Gatcomb, Staff Person

                                                                David Goldsholl, Secretary